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Building Custom Pages

Custom Pages are available for Organizers to create a standalone web page with custom content related to their company and events, including co-branding information, links to a Listing Page to help direct Invitees or provide additional information.

HTML, images, video content, and style sheets are all supported.

Creating Custom Pages

Navigate to the Pages view on the left-hand navigation of your account Dashboard.

Screenshot: Account dashboard with Pages option highlighted.At the top of the Page section, select 'Create New Page'

Screenshot: Create New Page dialog.

The following options will appear:

Screenshot: 'What type of page do you want to create?' dialog, with the Custom Page option highlighted.

Select 'Custom Page.' The following will appear:

Screenshot: Custom Page setup dialog: Custom URL/Broswer Title, Banner Image, Co-Brand Logo Image, Co-Brand Logo URL Redirect, HTML editor.

Fill in the required and applicable fields for Custom URL, Custom Browser Title, Banner Image, Co-Brand Logo Image and Co-Brand Logo Redirect.

The HTML section is a fully customizable WYSIWYG-style editor that supports HTML, images, iFrame, and CSS stylesheet class attributes. 


Screenshot: Sample of Custom page.

Screenshot: Sample Custom Page.