Building Events: Getting Started

The first step in creating Events with EventBuilder is choosing how you would like to start your Event build: from scratch, or from an existing Template.

Create From an Existing Template

Organizers have the option to create Events based on Templates they or their Portal Administrator have created, allowing for consistency across Events and simplifying the Event creation process. 

Learn more about using EventBuilder Templates.

After selecting the 'Create from an existing template' radio button, click on the dropdown menu and choose the Template you wish to use for your Event.

Screenshot: Create from an existing template dropdown menu.

Once you've selected the method for creating your Event, click 'Continue.'

Create From Your Outlook Calendar

Note: Available for Suite-level Subscribers only.

Organizers with a Suite-level subscription also have the option to create Events and Registration pages directly from their Outlook calendar in one step using the Organizer's default Template. 

Creating an Event from Outlook replaces the methods above. Once created in Outlook, the Event will appear in the Organizer's Event List in the Portal and can be edited as needed.

Note: When using this option, EventBuilder recommends creating a versatile, well-designed Template to set as your default. This will maximize the efficiency of creating Events via Outlook. 

To Create an Event from Outlook: 

First, set your Default Template to the type of event you want to create. Navigate to your Account Page (the gear icon in the upper right of your portal).
Screenshot: Account access gear icon.
On your Account Page, click on the dropdown menu to set the default: 

Screenshot: User details from Account Page with Default Template dropdown menu highlighted.

Next, go to your Outlook calendar and set a meeting for the date/time/duration of your Event. Enter your Event title as the Subject line and make it a Teams meeting. 

Note: Events must be 18 hours or less in duration.

Invite and a Registration Page/Event will be automatically created in EventBuilder using the settings in your Default Template.

Screenshot: Outlook calendar meeting invite.

Log in to your Portal, locate your Event, click to edit. Your Event can be edited in the Portal as needed. Changes to the date/time/duration/title can be made by updating and resending your calendar item.

Next - Building Events: Scheduling Overview