How to cancel/edit my registration.

How can I cancel or edit my registration for an event?

To edit or cancel your registration, locate your confirmation email. Click on the "edit/cancel" button. 

Registration Confirmation email with 'Edit/Cancel' My Registration' highlighted.

You will be directed to your registration record. A verification code will be sent to the email address on record.

Enter the verification code to access your registration information.

Screenshot: Registrant Identity Verification dialog. Text on image: "We have sent a code to the email address on record. Please check your email and enter the code below. Once you enter your Identity Verification Code, the page will be enable and allow edit/cancellation."

In the registration dialog, make any edits/changes and click 'Update Registration.' 
Screenshot: Registrant information with 'Cancel Registration' and 'Update Registration' buttons highlighted.
To cancel your registration, click on the yellow 'Cancel Registration' button. 

Note: Your event may have a registration deadline configured, in which case editing or canceling may not be possible.