How to Swap Teams Event Links

Though rare, there may be occasions when you need to change the Microsoft Teams link for your Event. We recommend the following steps to swap the Teams link and ensure your Event goes smoothly.

Prior to Event Day

Organizers can swap the Teams link and/or change the presentation environment within their Event build up to 1-hour prior to the Event's scheduled start time.

Learn more: Pre-Event Changes/Deadlines.

To Replace the Teams Link:

Create a new Teams meeting link and copy.

Access your Event build and navigate to the Schedule step.

In the Meeting Link field, highlight the link you wish to replace, and paste the new link into the field.

Screenshot: Meeting Link field with a Microsoft Teams link shown. Image text: Copy your Teams or Teams Live Event link for the session here.

Make any other changes needed and click Save.

Reach out and inform your Presenters of the change.

Note: If you have ordered Live Captioning and you are changing the link within 24 hours of the live event, notify the Accessibility Team via email. Be sure to include the Event's registration link. 

Your Attendee's join link is not affected.

E-Published Events

For E-Published Events, do not delete the original Teams meeting room. Doing so will delete the entire Event from your Portal. Follow the instructions for swapping the link in the Schedule step within your Event build, or in the Moderator Console during your EventBuilder Streaming Event.

Reminder: Event changes are locked 1-hour ahead of start time. Once locked, Organizers cannot change the presentation environment, e.g., Streaming to Teams Live Event.

Swapping Link During Pre-Conference/Event: Streaming

If the need to change the link arises during the pre-conference or mid-event, this can be done in the Moderator Console. 

First, create a new Teams link and copy.

In the Moderator Console, navigate to the Troubleshooting Tools widget.

Screenshot: Moderator Console Troubleshooting Tools with Change Presentation Environment highlighted.

Click on the 'Change Presentation Environment' button. A pop-up dialog will appear:

Screenshot: 'Change Teams Meeting' confirmation dialog with 'New Teams Meeting Link' and 'Update' button highlighted.

Paste the new link in the field provided and click 'Update.'

Note: Presenters cannot change the presentation environment - only Organizers and Moderators have access to this function.

What to Expect

  • The EventBuilder bot will exit the current Teams presentation environment and join the new Teams room. Note: This transition can take up to 5 minutes. 
  • Provide Presenters and the live captioner (if applicable) the new Teams link so they may join the new environment and resume.
  • With EventBuilder Streaming Events, no action from Attendees is required.