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I am having buffering / I have intermittent audio and/or video / I can't see

What should I do if I'm having buffering issues?

Please refresh your browser by clicking on the Refresh Now button on the Information tab or by refreshing your device.

Attendee Console - Refresh Now OptionIf you are still unable to connect, please try the following:

  • Close additional browser tabs and programs to free up your device's resources.
  • Downgrade your stream:
    • Hover your cursor over the stream quality display in the bottom left corner of your viewing screen. Change the stream to 480p. Note: This may affect the quality of the playback, but should allow you to view and hear all content.

  • Join your event through a different browser.
    • All major browsers are supported, however due to differences in security configurations, one browser might work better than another for you.
  • Disconnect your VPN, or contact your network/systems administrator
    • Your network firewall, VPN or proxy may be interfering with your access to the streaming console.
  • Join via guest network (if available)
    • A guest network may offer a less restrictive environment for viewing your event.