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Image Size Guide

To help you make the most of your image options, this Image Size Guide will guide you as you brand and build your Events.

Supported image file types: .jpg and .png. .gif images are supported on pre-and post-event slides, background images (Registration pages and Listing pages.) 

Portal Banner

Screenshot: Portal Configuration, Branding section.

Optimal width: 600px. Height: Auto

Screenshot: Portal banner settings. Appears at the top of all portal emails, optimal width: 600 pixels. Vector graphic of a woman wearing a hearing aid sitting at a desk with her laptop open.

Appears at the top of Portal-level emails: Event Access Granted (sent to Presenters and Moderators), and Verify Registrant Email (sent to Registrants for two-step verification.)

Event-Level Banner

Screnshot: Event Detail, Set Up section highlighted.

Optimal width: 1400px. Height: Auto

Screenshot: Event banner in event build, and its appearance on a Registration page. Optimal width: 1400 pixels.

Appears on Event Registration Pages. Organizers can upload their own at the time of the Template or Event build.

Custom Email Banner (Optional)

Screenshot: Event Detail, Communicate Section.

Optimal width: 600px. Height: Auto

Screenshot: Banner (highlighted) for system-generated emails.

Organizers can add a custom image for system-generated emails if they prefer. (Event Banner is the default image for Communicate emails.)

Listing/Search Page Banner

Optimal width: 1400 px. 

Screenshot: Page Detail page, with Banner Image selection highlighted.

Listing/Search Page banners appear at the top of Listing and Search Pages. A banner can be added to Custom Pages as well. (Optional)

Listing Page Image

Screenshot: Event Detail, Extras section highlighted.

Optimal dimensions: 255 x 200px 

Screenshot: Listing Page Image dialog and what the image looks like on a Listing Page.

The image appears next to each Event on a Listing Page (Table-syle Display), or above each Event when Card-style Display is selected:

Screenshot: Listing Pages display type examples: Table-style and Card-style.


Logo/Presenter Headshot Image (Optional)

Screenshot: Event Detail, Schedule step highlighted.

Optimal dimensions: Width: 150px (min) Height: Auto (for Classic and Marquee Layouts, 150 x 150px min for Clean Layout)

Screenshot: Presenter information as it appears on Registration Pages.

Appears on Registration Pages if selected. Headshot images can also be added when creating or updating Portal User or Guest accounts.

For headshots featured in the Clean Registration Page layout, the image must be square to accommodate the round image presentation:

Screenshot: Presenter headshot section - how it appears on the Clean Registration Page Layout (round).


Pre- and Post-Event Image

Screenshot: Event Detail, Communicate Section.

Optimal size: 1920 x 1080px 

Screenshot: Open hold image and Closing hold image dialogs side-by-side.

Appears in the EventBuilder Attendee viewing console before and after your live streamed event. (Available to suite-level subscribers only.)

HTML Editors

Images can be uploaded and hyperlinked in all HTML editors. The editors appear in four areas in EventBuilder: the Set Up section for customization of your Event description:

Screenshot: HTML editor with add image icon highlighted.

The Communicate section where Organizers customize system-generated communication emails:Screenshot: Communicate section, Event Invitation email with html editor open.

In the Extras step for certificate creation:

Screenshot: HMTL editor for creating Event Certificate.

And the Detail section when creating Listing or Search Pages:Screenshot: Listing and Search Page Description HTML Editor.

While building Events, Organizers have several opportunities to customize various items using a full-featured HTML editor embedded within EventBuilder.