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Managing and Building Templates

Understanding how to access, create, edit, and convert Templates are an important part of Template management.

Accessing Templates

To view, create, or edit your Portal-level and Organizer-level Templates, use the left navigation and select 'Templates.' 

Screenshot: Dashboard navigation panel with Templates option highlighted.

Click on My Templates to view a list of your Organizer-level Templates:

Screenshot: Templates list with 'My Templates' area at top highlighted.

Click on Portal Templates to view a list of Templates available to all subscribers:


Under both My Templates and Portal Templates, actions can be taken via the icons to the right of each Template on the list. 

Organizer View:

Screenshot: "My Templates" Organizer View - list of available templates, showing Actions icons. Default Template radio button is highlighted.
Screenshot: Three action icons for Templates: Radio button, Book icon, and Trash icon.

Radio button - Set Organizer's default Template (will be used when e-publishing)

Book icon - Opens window with details about the Template, including name, creator, Parent Template, Convert to Portal button (Admins only) and a list of Events/Templates using the selected Template:

Screenshot: Template Information window - Name, Creator, Parent Template, Convert to Portal button, Events/Templates Using This Template, with the names, Event begin time, ID, and Type.

Trash icon - Delete selected Template. 

Templates with associated Events and "child" Templates cannot be deleted. A Conflict window will appear informing you of which Events are associated with the Template:

Screenshot: Delete Template Conflict window. Transcript: "This template can't be deleted because it's associated with the following:" Event ID's.

To complete deletion of a Template, either delete the conflicting Events, or navigate to the Extras step and manually select an alternate Template on each individual Event to remove any conflicts.

If no conflicts exist, a confirmation dialog will appear: 

Click 'Yes' to confirm and delete the selected Template.

Screenshot: Delete Template confirmation dialog. Transcript: "Are you sure you want to delete this template?" Yes/No buttons.

Creating Templates

Select Create New Template from the main Templates dialog:

Screenshot: Create New Template button highlighted.

The following options will appear:

Screenshot: Create new template options. Transcript: "How would you like to start?" Two options with radio buttons: Start from scratch, and Select an existing template.

Start From Scratch

Select 'Start from Scratch' and 'Continue,' The new Template will inherit the properties of the Parent/Portal Template.  

Select an Existing Template

To create a new Template using an existing Template as your foundation, choose 'Select an Existing Template.' The following will appear: 

Screenshot: 'Select an existing Template' options. The drop down selection menu appears open with selection options.

Choose the Template you wish to use to build your new Template. The new Template will inherit the properties of your selection.

For Portal Administrators, after selecting Create New Template they will have the additional option to save the new Template in their "My Templates" area, or as a Portal-level Template: 

Screenshot: Create Template dialog with "Where would you like this template to be saved? In My Templates/In Portal Templates" highlighted.

Setting Default Templates

Portal Default Template

Setting the Portal Default Template is typically done at the time of Portal Configuration. For instructions, please refer to the Portal Configuration Knowledge Base article.

Setting Organizer Default Template

Select 'Templates' from the left navigation.

On the main Templates dialog, the Organizer's list 'My Templates' will appear. Select the radio button on the Template you wish to set as your default when e-publishing.

Screenshot: My Templates list with the radio button to set the default Template checked and highlighted.

Once selected, a confirmation will appear in the upper right corner:

Screenshot: Green 'Default template updated' confirmation message.Editing Templates

Editing a Template will affect all Events (past and future) and other Templates created from that Template. For example:

Company A rebranded and updated their logo. Changing the banner on the Portal-level Template will change the banner for each “child” Template and every Event created with the Template. 

Changes to a Template affects all* Events and "child" Templates will reflect the change. (There are exceptions to this scenario. For more info see Template Inheritance.)

Have additional questions? Get help from one of our Software Success product experts at an Ask Me Anything live webinar 

Convert Template

Administrators can convert any Organizer-level Template to a Portal-level Template. Once converted, the Template will be available to all subscribers on the Portal.

Navigate to the Accounts section on your Dashboard:

Screenshot: Main navigation with Accounts section highlighted.

Find the Organizer whose Template you wish to convert to the Portal-Level, then click on the Templates icon:

Screenshot: User Account with the Templates icon highlighted.

A list of the Organizer's Templates will appear. Select the Template you would like to convert to Portal-Level and click the Book icon:

Screenshot: Convert to Portal Level Template selection.

The following dialog window will appear:

Screenshot: Template Information dialog with the 'Convert to Portal Template' highlighted.

Click on the 'Convert to Portal Template' button. The selected Template will now appear in the 'Portal Templates' section. Note: This action is only available to Portal Administrators.

Changing a Template on an Event

Organizers can change chosen Template on an individual Event. Please refer to Changing Templates for instructions.

Templates Administration and Permissions

Note: Organizer permissions listed below are dependent on a Portal Administrator granting the User Account holder's access to Templates. See User Account Management.

Training Video: Building Templates Step-by-Step